Last updated on January 27th, 2024 at 11:24 am

Signs someone doesn’t like you

It’s often easy to tell when someone doesn’t like you, even if you might miss the clues.

You might not notice when someone starts acting differently around you, or if they don’t reply to your messages.

Figuring out if someone really doesn’t like you or is just having a bad day is tough.

But you can usually feel it when something’s off.

If you’re wondering whether a new friend enjoys your company, watch for simple signs. Do they smile at you, make eye contact, and remember what you say? These are signs they enjoy being with you.

True friendship should make you feel valued and part of the group.

Let’s explore how to spot the signs that someone might not be into you.

how can you tell if someone doesn't like you

What it Means When Someone Doesn’t Like You

When someone doesn’t seem to like you, it often means they don’t want to get closer. You might notice they avoid eye contact or keep conversations brief. This doesn’t mean you’re not valuable. It just means it’s better to focus on friendships that give back as much as you put in.

For instance, if someone is always on their phone when you’re talking, quickly changes the topic, or doesn’t include you in group plans, they’re probably not interested in being close friends.

Seeing these signs early is actually helpful. It saves you from wasting your feelings and points you towards more rewarding friendships. Keep reading to learn about these signs.


Why You Don’t Click… Friend-Repellents

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to stay away? It could be because of these habits:

Mismatched Humor: Not everyone gets your jokes.

Too Many Questions: Bombarding people with questions can be too much.

Old-Fashioned Communication: Using letters in a digital world is charming but not always practical.

Unique Hobbies: Your intense or unusual hobbies might not interest everyone.

Strict Punctuality: Being very punctual can be at odds with more laid-back people.

Intimidating Success: Your achievements might scare some people off.

Love for Debate: Constantly arguing can tire people out.

Sticking to One Topic: Talking about the same thing all the time can prevent other connections.

These are just parts of who you are. Knowing about them can help you see how they might influence your friendships or why someone might not click with you.

Watch out for these habits. They could be why someone’s keeping a distance and why you don’t have many friends.

Read on to learn about THE SIGNS!

The Hints & Signs Someone Doesn’t Like You


If someone often doesn’t look you in the eye, gives one-word answers, or doesn’t chat much, they might not be too keen on being close friends. These simple clues can help you figure out how they feel about hanging out with you.

From nuanced body language to specific communication patterns … these signs offer a deeper understanding of the complexities in human relationships.

1. Watch and listen for interest … if they don’t like you

To see if someone likes you, suggest hanging out or doing something fun. Notice their response and how they interact with you. If they seem happy to join and talk, they might be interested in being friends.

Don’t hesitate to show you’re interested too.

Look for small signs in how they react:

  • Suggest spending more time together.
  • Offer activities they might like.
  • Observe their body language, reactions, and how they speak to you.

If they’re enthusiastic and accept your invites, they probably like you.

2. Body language tells you a lot of information

Body language can reveal a lot:

When someone doesn’t want to be near you, their body language can show it. This is a key way to tell if someone isn’t into you.

Keep an eye out for these signals:

  • They avoid making eye contact.
  • They cross their arms or turn away.
  • They might seem restless, yawn, or shift around a lot.

If someone is often quiet or doesn’t engage much with you, they might not enjoy your company. It’s hard to accept, but knowing this lets you focus on those who appreciate your friendship.

If you see these signs, take it as a hint they might not want to spend time with you. Let’s look at a clear example next.

body language signs they don't like you

3. They’ll stop talking to you or keep it short

If someone doesn’t seem to like you, they might communicate in ways that show little interest. They could avoid eye contact, interrupt you, or not respond when you try to talk.

Their replies might be brief, and they won’t add much to the conversation.

Listen to how they speak:

  • Watch out for sarcasm or negative remarks.
  • Notice if they often use dismissive language.

Using sarcasm or negative comments can mean they don’t really enjoy being around you. It’s hard to realize, but it helps you find more positive and supportive friends. 



“You don’t need everyone’s approval to be happy.”

– Deepak Chopra

4. People who don’t like you will stop sharing 

When someone stops sharing information or excludes you from conversations and plans, it might mean they don’t want to stay connected with you.

This kind of behavior usually indicates they don’t want to put effort into the relationship, which can make you feel left out.

Not sharing as a sign of discomfort:

  • They might not want to share their knowledge with you.
  • They could be avoiding potential criticism by not sharing.

If someone isn’t sharing details with you anymore, it’s likely a sign they’re not interested in continuing the friendship. It’s hard to accept, but it points you towards finding people who are happy to include you in their lives. 

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5. They’ll cancel plans for no reason 

A study showed that canceling plans without giving a reason can cause tension and harm a relationship. It suggests a disregard for the other person’s feelings, leading to trust and respect issues.

Consistent cancellations are a red flag:

  • Repeatedly canceling plans without a reason could signal a problem in the friendship.

Open and honest communication is crucial. Discussing these issues directly can help strengthen and maintain healthy relationships.

one sign a friend doesn't like you

6. They’ll stop encouraging & supporting you

When someone stops cheering you on or helping you out, it could mean they’re not interested.

Other signs someone might not like you include:

  • They don’t make an effort to hang out with you.
  • They might not be happy for your successes, possibly due to jealousy.

Feeling resentful is a sign:

  • If their behavior towards you changes, for better or worse, it could show how they feel about staying friends.



“You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt


7. Be aware of questions they ask you

If someone isn’t fond of you, they may ask questions that make you feel uneasy or defensive.

They might bring up:

  • Choices you’ve made in the past.
  • Topics meant to embarrass or guilt-trip you.

Pay attention to their questions:

If they frequently question your knowledge in a doubting way, it can feel belittling. Such questions might challenge your skills or seem like they’re trying to diminish you. It’s key to notice this—it could mean they’re not treating you with the respect you should get.

Example Questions Someone Will Ask If They Don’t Like You: 


“Why do you always talk about yourself?”

“Do you really think you know a lot about this topic?”

“Do you think people like it when you act so sure of yourself?”


8. They spread rumors or leave you out on purpose

Finding out someone is spreading rumors or deliberately leaving you out of social events can show they don’t feel positive about you.

Gossip can damage trust and friendships:

It’s important to be around people who support and uplift you.

Think about your relationship with the person spreading rumors and look for friends who value and respect you.

Real friends and supportive groups accept and celebrate you, promoting a positive and welcoming environment.

signs someone doesn't like you back

9. Listen to your intuition. It tells you subtle signs

Your gut feeling can often clue you in when someone isn’t fond of you. Research shows we’re naturally equipped to pick up on small signs of how others feel about us.

Look out for both what they say and do:

Sometimes, the hints are so slight, you might miss them.

Your intuition might notice things like:

  • They don’t look you in the eye much.
  • They avoid even slight physical contact.
  • Their voice changes tone around you.
  • They step back when you get close.

Trust your gut feeling:

Even if someone seems friendly, their body language might tell a different story. Trusting your instincts and observing these minor signals can reveal someone’s true feelings.

Understanding these subtle cues is crucial in recognizing when someone may not like you.

Bonus: 12 more “signs people don’t like me”

signs people don't like you
signs people don't like you much

If someone doesn’t like you, your social life isn’t over


If you find out someone doesn’t like you, it doesn’t mean your social life is doomed.

Feeling upset is normal, but it’s not a sign that you’re the problem. It’s just their view.

A study from the American Psychological Association explains that everyone has different levels of patience and acceptance for others. Sometimes, people can’t even explain why they don’t click with someone.

Watch for clear signs someone might not like you:

  • They avoid looking at you.
  • They make excuses not to meet up.
  • They criticize you a lot.

Noticing these signs can help us understand how they feel.

It’s tough to realize someone doesn’t like us, but it doesn’t mean we’re at fault.

Everyone has their own likes and dislikes in friendships.

What matters most is that we feel good about ourselves and accept who we are.

When Rudeness Hides Dislike: Spotting the Signals

Sometimes, people are rude because they don’t like us.

But how do you know if someone’s rudeness is actually dislike? Recognizing rude behavior helps us deal with tough situations and improve our friendships.


Invading Personal Space:

When someone gets too close without permission, it often shows disrespect or an attempt to dominate.

Mockery and Sarcasm:

Constant teasing or sarcasm about your ideas or looks might be hostility, not just jokes.

Dismissing Your Ideas:

If someone often cuts you off or ignores your thoughts, it could be a sign they don’t respect you.

Spreading Rumors:

If you hear they’re talking behind your back, it might mean they really don’t like you.

Directing Anger at You:

If someone often snaps at you over small things, they might be using you as an outlet for their frustrations.

Using Personal Info to Hurt You:

If someone uses private details to embarrass or manipulate you, it’s a sign of deeper issues.

Rudeness can hide deeper negative feelings. Recognizing this lets us respond better and stand our ground. Keep in mind, rudeness isn’t always about dislike. It could be cultural or personal differences. If someone’s often rude, try talking to them.

Clear communication can help clear up misunderstandings and lead to more respectful and friendly interactions.

When someone doesn't reply to your text

Discover the Surprising Reasons They Ignored Your Text!

Are They Sending Signals They Don’t Like You?

What are other people saying? 

A study from Michigan State University suggests that canceling plans without giving a reason might show someone’s feeling insecure or uneasy.

This research also indicates that avoiding someone by canceling plans could stem from a lack of understanding or comfort between the people involved.

Look for the less obvious signs of dislike:

  • The study by the University of Michigan found that people might show they don’t like someone by being less lively and enthusiastic around them.

It’s not necessarily about you:

  • If someone acts differently around you, like talking less or avoiding you, it doesn’t mean you’re the problem. They might also show it through body language, like eye-rolling, crossing their arms, or using a sarcastic tone.

Remember, just because someone doesn’t like you doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It could just mean you’re not a good match.

What to do if your friends don’t like you?

Finding out your friends don’t like you can be tough.

Start by asking for feedback:

  • People feel differently about others, and it’s not always clear why. Look for clues in how your friends act around you to understand their feelings.

Focus on self-care:

  • Taking care of yourself is crucial, especially if this situation is stressing you out. Consider talking to a therapist for support.
  • Spend some time on your own, doing things that make you feel good, like meditating, working out, or chatting with supportive friends.


Why your mental health is important

It’s natural to want to be liked by your friends, but sometimes it can be hard to tell if someone doesn’t like you. If you think your friends don’t like you, it’s important to take care of your mental health.

Who can you talk to? A friend, a coach, therapist.

Try taking a break from the situation and engaging in activities that make you feel relaxed and happy, such as exercising or talking to a friend you can trust.

Don’t be afraid to seek professional help and talk to a therapist if needed.

Taking care of your mental health is essential for maintaining healthy relationships.

therapy for social anxiety

FAQs: Decoding the Signs


How can you differentiate between someone simply having a bad day and genuinely not liking you?
Observe their behavior over time. If their dismissive or distant behavior is consistent and specifically directed at you, it might indicate dislike. Contrastingly, a bad day is usually a temporary shift in mood and not targeted.

What should you do if you feel a friend is starting to pull away?
Communication is key. Consider gently asking if everything is okay or if something specific is bothering them. It’s important to express your feelings without accusing them of changing.

How do you cope with the realization that someone you value doesn’t reciprocate your feelings?
It’s essential to acknowledge your feelings and give yourself time to grieve the loss of what you hoped the relationship would be. Engaging in self-care activities and leaning on other supportive relationships can aid in healing.


Can a person’s body language give away their true feelings about you?
Yes, body language can be very telling. Closed body language like crossed arms, lack of eye contact, and physical withdrawal can signal discomfort or disinterest in the relationship.


Is it worth trying to win over someone who seems to dislike you?
Consider the value of the relationship and the reason for their feelings. While it’s important to address misunderstandings, changing someone’s fundamental feelings can be challenging and not always possible. Focus on relationships that bring mutual respect and positivity.

What you can do right now

Download our Tool Kit for free (mini-course, social blueprint, and more) Prepare more when you go out to socialize. This can also help to make new friends if you have people in your life who don’t like you. 

We think if you join our community or read a few more blog posts, you won’t be saying, “what are the signs someone doesn’t like you?” or “how to tell if someone doesn’t like you?”

You’ll feel more confident, and prepared and you’ll know what to do next, especially, when it comes to socializing.

Steve Anthony

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