Last updated on March 20th, 2024 at 02:49 pm
The secret behind ‘How to Not Be Boring’
16 Charm-Boosting Tips to Not Be Boring
1. Learn how to carry a conversation
The key to not being boring is confidently keeping a conversation going. For tips, check out one of our other posts.
Start by getting the right mindset, learning conversation starters, and really connecting with who you’re talking to. We have several posts to get more ideas and examples.
To keep from seeming boring, remember it’s not about leading the talk all the time. It’s also about listening well.
To be great at conversations, try to:
- Really listen and show you’re interested.
- Ask smart questions. (Have some conversation starters ready)
- Share your views without taking over.
- Bring up interesting facts or stories to spark more talk.
2. Ask above-average questions
Going beyond simple questions can make you memorable and appealing. Plus, people enjoy talking about themselves. Oddly enough, this makes you more interesting.
A conversation is like a dance. It needs both people to move together. The way we ask and answer questions can build trust and share more.
So, asking someone questions makes them feel validated and sparks a mood-boosting hormone, dopamine. Studies suggest encouraging people to talk about themselves will make them more memorable and you’re more interesting.
Action Step: ⭐Read our 40 Conversation Starters Here
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3. Have a few stories to tell people
A great way to never be boring and always leave an impression is by telling stories.
⭐ Remember: People love stories. They connect us, make memories, and help you stand out. You’ll be remembered for your stories.
Stories inspire and motivate.
To avoid being boring, keep a collection of fun stories ready. They make conversations lively and help people remember you. Here’s how to pick them:
- Look for Unique Moments: Recall odd or impactful events.
- Structure Well: Start with something catchy, explain a bit, and end with a twist or lesson.
- Practice and Polish: Test your story on a friend and tweak it based on their feedback.
- Fit the Mood: Choose stories that match the tone of your chat, whether it’s light or deep.
4. Use small talk to share your thoughts and interests
People are drawn to interesting individuals, who can offer unique perspectives, opinions, and good small talk.
Showing interest in others, asking questions, and sharing about yourself creates a back-and-forth that builds closeness. Says, Todd Kashdan, PhD
5. Be less boring by saying “yes” more
Saying “Yes” will …
- Open you up to new opportunities
- Invite more positive collaboration.
- Create a safe environment to try, fail, learn, and innovate with others
- Make life more fun!
6. Get a haircut/hairstyle and new clothes
One way to make a great first impression and be less boring is by sprucing up your look.
- Getting a new haircut
- Buying or thrift some clothes which can do wonders for your appeal!
- Not only will these changes make you look more interesting, but they can also boost your confidence.
Plus, if you’re looking to make an impression, wearing clothes that make you feel confident can definitely help.
So if you’re looking for ways to become more interesting and attractive, get a haircut and edit your clothes!
This small change can make a big difference in how others see you and help you attract attention in the best way possible.
Getting a haircut can be transformative, making you more interesting looking, and more attractive. Your hairstyle has a measurable effect on your physical attractiveness.
Knowing your face shape can offer you valuable insight into which hairstyles will make you the most attractive.
7. Have a 1-year goal to not be a boring person
Decide on something you want to achieve in the next year, like learning a language, starting a volunteer project, or changing jobs.
Having something to discuss makes you more than just small talk, making you more intriguing to others.
Studies show goals can boost your confidence, make you more engaged in life, and help you form deeper connections.
With a one-year goal, you’ll:
- Be more interesting to talk to.
- Get a confidence boost from reaching your goals.
- Experience new things, making you even more captivating.
8. Accomplish something uncommon or unordinary
Taking on something unusual is thrilling and can bring long-term benefits.
Research suggests that challenging yourself leads to success and happiness. It also makes you less boring.
By tackling a unique challenge, you become more interesting, gain confidence, enhance problem-solving skills, and open up to new experiences.
For instance, traveling to a new country lets you:
- Understand new cultures and customs.
- Improve communication skills.
- See different viewpoints.
- It might even inspire new passions or career paths.
9. Read, listen to podcasts, take courses. Always learn
Learning something new is a great way to become more interesting.
You can learn by:
- Reading books
- Listening to podcasts
- Watching videos, and researching topics that you’re interested in.
- Learning will open your eyes to new perspectives and ideas that can spark interesting conversations.
Most importantly, you can meet new people while learning about a topic.
Especially, if you go to an event, you’ll have plenty to talk about since you’re there for the same reason.
In addition, learning will give you a better understanding of the world around you. You can become more well-rounded which can make you more interesting.
Take time out of your day to gain knowledge and have experiences that come with learning.
Check out Udemy, a website to learn whatever you can think of!
10. Explore new places, take trips for experiences
11. Start a side hustle or new hobby
Starting a side hustle or taking up a new hobby is a great way to learn how to not be boring.
Not only is this a great way to make some extra money, but it will also give you something interesting and unique to talk about. You can even use it as a way to meet new people who share your same interests. There’s no need to feel bored or uninteresting anymore.
Taking up a new hobby or starting a side hustle is an easy way to have more things to talk about during conversations.
40% of Americans have a side hustle in 2022, says Zapier
Research has shown that having hobbies and side hustles can help with your overall mental health and well-being. This is because when you are engaged in an activity you enjoy, you are more likely to be in a better mood and be able to express yourself better.
Additionally, having something interesting to talk about can make conversations more dynamic and engaging – which makes you appear more interesting and exciting.
12. Have progressive ideas and opinions
Demonstrating thoughtfulness and open-mindedness is a sign you’re intelligent and interesting.
Research shows that having progressive ideas and opinions can help you stand out from the crowd, show your creativity, and express yourself.
To become more interesting, start by:
- Reading up on current events
- Keeping up with objective news about culture, music, and humanity.
Lastly, be open to discussing different topics with those around you.
You don’t have to agree with them, but being able to have open conversations will show that you are open-minded and willing to listen.
13. Be vulnerable
Are you still wondering how to not be boring? Well, by being open and honest about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, you can draw people in and make yourself more captivating.
It’s known that allowing yourself to be vulnerable is actually beneficial for your well-being, as it cultivates trust, connection, and understanding between people.
“Vulnerability can be the driving force of connection”
In addition, being vulnerable gives people an insight into who you are and what you stand for. It allows you to open up and share experiences that can be exciting and inspiring to those around you. By being vulnerable and allowing yourself to explore new ideas, you can become more interesting to those around you
14. Be sincerely curious about others
So, being curious seems to protect people from negative social experiences, like rejection, which could lead to better connections with others over time.
Studies have found that people who are curious are often viewed in social encounters as more interesting and engaging. In addition, they’re more able to talk to a wider variety of people.
15. Practice phrases in a new language
Learning a new language can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life. Not only does it open up a world of culture, literature, and travel opportunities, but it also makes you more interesting in the eyes of others.
Most importantly, being able to converse with people in different languages, even just a little, can broaden your social circle and enrich conversations with people.
Learning another language is an investment that pays off in many ways!
16. Talk about your future plans, life vision
Exploring and discussing our life plans or vision can make us more interesting to others. Also, it gives us an opportunity to display our creativity, our ambition, and our passion for what we want to achieve in life.
Most importantly, sharing these goals with others can also be inspiring, as it demonstrates the different paths that people may take to reach their dreams.
And, by taking the time to think about our future plans, we can gain a better understanding of who we are and what we want out of life.
More quick tips: how to not be a boring person
- Welcome variety: Be more open to living life with variation in every situation
- Have curiosity: Ask more questions or take a new trip to a culture you’ve always been interested in
- Change your scene: If you’re not happy with where you live, consider a temporary or permanent move
- Become selfaware: Knowing who you are can make a huge difference in confidence and more.
- Host a gathering: Have a party to enjoy people and have fun
- Find exciting people: When surrounded by fun people, you’ll also be a part of their experiences
- Write down your life vision: Knowing what you’re trying to attain makes you interesting
- Try a random act of kindness: Being helpful to anyone will boost your mood and interesting factor
- Try something that scares you: Take on a project or take a trip you’ve been hesitant about
- Think about your passions: knowing your passion can drive conversations with others
- Learn two jokes: Have a couple of good jokes, funny quotes, or funny sayings
- Take improv class: Taking an improv class will teach you to think faster and better on your feet
The secret juice to not being boring is …
In one study by Todd Kashdan of George Mason University, participants were paired to engage in an intimacy-building conversation.
The pairs took turns asking and answering a series of questions that moved from less to more intimate in nature—e.g., If you could invite anyone, living or dead, for dinner and conversation, who would it be and why? When did you last cry in front of another person?
Participants filled out questionnaires and measured:
- Curiosity, positive and negative emotions, and social anxiety levels.
- The participants rated how attracted and how close they felt to their conversation partners.
Results showed the participants were more attracted and felt closer to curious people than those who were less curious. Curiosity still had a unique link to higher intimacy scores, suggesting curiosity is a trait that might aid social closeness.
“Being interested is more important in cultivating a relationship and maintaining a relationship than being interesting; that’s what gets the dialogue going...It’s the secret juice of relationships.” Says Todd Kashdan.
Are you boring? 10 boring personality traits
Passivity: A person who lacks initiative and prefers to go with the flow rather than take charge or make decisions.
Indecisiveness: Someone who struggles to make choices and often finds themselves stuck in a state of indecision.
Pessimism: A consistently negative outlook on life and a tendency to focus on the worst-case scenarios in any given situation.
Rigidity: A person who is resistant to change, inflexible in their thinking, and unwilling to consider alternative perspectives.
Conformity: An individual who always seeks to blend in and adhere to societal norms, avoiding standing out or challenging the status quo.
Lack of curiosity: A disinterest in learning new things or exploring unfamiliar subjects, leading to a limited range of knowledge and experiences.
Unadventurousness: A preference for routine and familiarity, avoiding risks or venturing into new and exciting activities or experiences.
Inflexibility: A person who has difficulty adapting to unexpected circumstances or adjusting their plans when faced with unforeseen challenges.
Lack of humor: A person who rarely appreciates or engages in humor, finding it difficult to see the lighter side of life or make others laugh.
Apathy: A general lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern about things happening around them, often resulting in a passive and unengaged demeanor.
Boring personality traits encompass qualities such as passivity, indecisiveness, and rigidity. These individuals lack initiative, struggle with making choices, and resist change. They conform to societal norms, show a disinterest in learning, and often exhibit a negative outlook on life, ultimately leading to a dull and unengaging demeanor.
Why are you so boring? 5 serious reasons
1. Upbringing and environment: Growing up in an environment that discourages creativity, risk-taking, or individuality can lead to the development of a boring personality.
Strict parenting styles or social pressures to conform may stifle a person’s ability to explore and express themselves.
2. Fear and insecurity: Fear of failure or rejection can hinder individuals from stepping out of their comfort zones and engaging in new experiences.
Insecurity about one’s abilities or self-worth can also contribute to a lack of enthusiasm and a tendency to play it safe.
3. Lack of stimulation and challenge: If individuals consistently face monotony, lack opportunities for growth, or are surrounded by a dull and unstimulating environment, they may develop boring personality traits as a result of limited exposure to exciting or novel experiences.
4. Low self-esteem and self-confidence: Individuals who struggle with low self-esteem may feel reluctant to take risks, assert their opinions, or engage in social interactions that could potentially make them stand out. This can result in a more passive and uninteresting demeanor.
5. Negative thinking patterns: Pessimistic thinking patterns can dampen one’s enthusiasm and outlook on life, leading to a more boring and uninspiring personality.
Constantly focusing on potential failures or negative outcomes can inhibit the willingness to try new things or embrace the excitement. If you’re feeling depressed or anxious, check out how to cope using therapy.
“My conversations are boring”
1. You talk about the weather too much
Instead of merely commenting on the weather, use it to segue into discussions about activities, memories, or even how it affects mood and productivity. It’s a launchpad for deeper conversation.
2. Talking about work or school = boring
Sharing experiences from work or school provides a window into personal challenges and triumphs. Dive into specifics, ask for stories, or relate to broader life lessons to keep things interesting.
3. You don’t say anything that interesting
It can be easy to fall into a mundane conversation pattern, but there are ways to make your conversations more interesting. With just a few simple steps and a little creativity, you can make your conversations more stimulating and engaging by using a few techniques.
Such as asking thought-provoking questions or sharing interesting stories. Take a look at 15 charming techniques you can use here.
4. You’re not talking about what excites them … like sports
Find common ground with sports or other hobbies. Enthusiasm is contagious, and when you tap into topics people love, conversations naturally become more lively.
5. You forget to talk about their personal lives
Having meaningful conversations can be difficult, especially when it comes to talking about our personal lives. But it doesn’t have to be that way. By taking the initiative to ask open-ended questions and talk about topics that are close to your heart.
This will help you build deeper connections with the people around you and make your conversations more enjoyable.
6. Ask more open-ended questions
Having meaningful conversations with loved ones can be incredibly rewarding and satisfying, but unfortunately, it can be difficult to maintain. A recent study found that many people struggle with having stimulating conversations, as they often don’t ask each other questions or share any meaningful thoughts.
By asking thought-provoking questions, engaging in active listening, and being mindful of the topics you discuss, you can keep your conversations dynamic and engaging. Take a look at how Harvard can tell you’re talking too much.
8. Learn to Talk About Them
The most common complaint people make after having a conversation, is “I wish they asked me more questions.”
Talking about them (the T.AT. method) means exploring the other person. Who are they, what do they do, and why they’re at this particular event. A good way into the conversation is any basic question or compliment that gets them to start talking.
9. Don’t get too serious, keep it light
Despite feeling like our conversations lack the necessary depth and meaningfulness for how much we care about each other, it’s important to remember that conversations don’t always have to be serious or profound to be meaningful.
10. Talk about feelings and experiences
Vulnerability can open up a conversation to a whole new level. Such as, “I feel so excited to see my family this weekend!”
If you think it’s appropriate to express yourself or talk about more vulnerable feelings then give it a try. Try to keep it positive too.
“I’m so happy it’s Friday! I had a stressful week and I’m happy to be chatting with you ”
“Mondays are so tough but I’m ready to take on the week. How’s your day going?”“I had a tough weekend with family and reconnect with them soon. Have you had any challenges with family?”
What else can you do right now?
If you feel like your social skills keep getting worse, or are feeling depressed, talk to a close friend or a professional counselor about the feelings you have.
Or, you can prepare more when you go out to socialize. Joining our community and Download our Tool Kit for free (mini-course, social blueprint, and more)
We think if you join our community, take our course, or just read a few more blog posts, you won’t be saying, “how to not be boring”, but you’ll feel more confident, learn a few more social techniques, and how to set boundaries.
You got this!