Last updated on October 14th, 2023 at 09:54 am

Social anxiety is a common condition that can affect anyone. Even an extrovert. Are you an extrovert with social anxiety? If yes, then in this post, we will provide you with tips on how to help an extrovert with social anxiety. 

It’s important to understand what is causing anxiety. Is it a fear of new people, a fear of rejection, or a fear of public speaking? Identifying the source of the anxiety can help you better understand how to help. 

Now, let’s dive into the main ways how an extrovert with social anxiety can cope.

What is an extrovert with social anxiety?

Imagine an electric performer who lights up the stage but backstage, their hands shake with a blend of anticipation and anxiety – this is often the reality for an extrovert with social anxiety. Such individuals, although naturally bubbly and sociable, paradoxically grapple with nervousness and fear about how they’re perceived in social situations.

The fascinating conundrum here lies in their genuine love for social interactions, yet being shackled by the apprehension of negative judgment or mishaps.

Extroverts with social anxiety enthusiastically dive into the social ocean but simultaneously fear the unpredictable waves of interaction, creating an internal tug-of-war between their intrinsic social desires and the looming anxiety that casts shadows over their experiences.

The key to understanding and finding support. Recognize this delicate balance and providing a non-judgmental, encouraging stage where they can shine without the fear of stumbling in the spotlight.

1. Understand what’s triggering the anxiety

Do you know someone who is an extrovert and experiences social anxiety? It’s not uncommon for a person who is usually outgoing to feel anxious in certain social situations. It’s important to understand what might be triggering the anxiety so they can better manage it. It could be anything from feeling overwhelmed in large groups, worrying about how they’ll be judged by others, or feeling like they won’t measure up to certain expectations.

Regardless of the cause, it can be helpful to step back and evaluate the situation. Taking deep breaths, talking to someone you trust, and even writing down your thoughts can help you gain perspective and clarity.

Additionally, practicing self-compassion and positive self-talk can go a long way in managing social anxiety.

Remember, even an extrovert with social anxiety need time to recharge and take care of themselves, so don’t hesitate to take a break if you need it! 

Action Step 1: Journal Anxiety Triggers: Regularly document situations and feelings associated with anxiety episodes.

Action Step 2: Practice Self-Compassion: Engage daily in positive affirmations and mindfulness to foster a self-supportive mindset.

2. Develop the patience to cope with anxiety

An extrovert with social anxiety may find it difficult to understand how one can feel social anxiety. After all, you’re the life of the party! But it’s important to recognize even extroverts can experience this type of anxiety. To help manage your anxiety, it’s important to be patient with yourself.

Start by reflecting on your triggers and trying to determine what might be causing your anxiety.

Once you have identified the source of your anxiety, it’s time to develop a plan for managing it. This could involve avoiding certain situations or activities that trigger your anxiety, finding healthy coping mechanisms such as exercise or meditation, or seeking professional help. Working on developing patience with yourself is key to managing your anxiety.

Action Step 1: Create a Management Plan: Establish strategies, potentially including avoidance of triggers and adoption of coping mechanisms.

Action Step 2: Embrace Patience: Consistently practice patience with oneself, recognizing that managing anxiety is a gradual process.

3. Set time aside to feel worried 

As an extrovert with social anxiety, you may think the idea of feeling socially anxious is impossible. Again, extroverts tend to thrive on social interaction. However, it is possible for even the most outgoing person to experience social anxiety.

The good news is that there are ways to manage this anxiety and feel more balanced.

Now, one of the most effective techniques is setting aside a specific time to worry. Rather than letting your worries take over your day, schedule a designated time when you can take a few minutes to focus on your anxiety and process it. This can help you feel less overwhelmed and more in control of your emotions.

Additionally, taking some time to reflect on your worries helps you recognize any patterns that might be contributing to your anxiety. 

Action Step 1: Allocate Worry Time: Schedule specific, limited periods to intentionally focus on and process worries without letting them consume your day.

Action Step 2: Reflect on Anxiety Patterns: Use the designated worry time to identify and analyze recurring anxiety patterns, understanding their contexts and potential causes.

4. Manage anxiety with mindfulness activities

Living with social anxiety as an extrovert can be difficult to navigate. 

Mindfulness activities are an effective way to manage anxiety and feel less overwhelmed. Deep breathing, meditation, yoga, journaling, and stretching are all helpful activities to reduce stress and anxiety. Deep breathing helps you to stay grounded and mindful of your own true feelings.

Meditation allows you to take a step back from your thoughts and feelings and gain perspective. Yoga helps to release tension in your body and relax your muscles. Journaling provides a safe outlet for your thoughts and feelings.

And finally, stretching helps to ease stress in your body and increase flexibility. Practicing these activities regularly can help you manage your social anxiety as an extrovert.

Action Step 1: Adopt Mindfulness Practices: Regularly engage in activities like meditation, yoga, and journaling to manage anxiety.

Action Step 2: Ensure Routine Practice: Establish a consistent routine for mindfulness activities to facilitate ongoing mental well-being.

tips for anxiety
self care tips

*5. Talk to a mental health professional

An extrovert can find it especially hard to come to terms with social anxiety. 

It is important to remember that even if you are an extrovert, social anxiety is still a real thing and can be managed.

Talking to a mental health professional or someone supportive can be a great way to help manage social anxiety. Mental health professionals can help you understand the causes of your anxiety and provide strategies to help you cope with it.

In addition, they can also help identify any underlying mental health issues that may be causing your psychological discomfort. Make sure that you have someone to talk to and offer advice when things get tough.

Having a supportive person in your life can make all the difference in managing your social anxiety and feeling less anxious.

Action Step 1: Seek Professional Help: Reach out to a mental health professional to explore the causes of anxiety and develop coping strategies.

Action Step 2: Ensure a Supportive Network: Connect with understanding and non-judgmental individuals to share experiences and receive advice during challenging moments.

therapy for social anxiety

6. Ask friends to be your social buddy

As an extrovert with social anxiety, you may feel particularly frustrated at this point. One key tip is to ask a friend to socialize with you or be there to make you feel comfortable.

Talking to a friend can help you get comfortable with the idea of being around other people and make it easier to engage with new people.

When asking a friend to socialize, it’s important, to be honest about your feelings and let them know that you’re experiencing social anxiety. That way, they can provide the best possible support in return.

You may also want to plan ahead and come up with activities or topics of conversation that will put you at ease and make it easier to interact with others.

Finally, with time and practice, you should be able to gradually feel more comfortable in social situations, even if you still have some anxious moments.

Action Step 1: Request a Social Buddy: Enlist a friend to accompany and support you during social interactions, being transparent about your social anxiety and its challenges.

Action Step 2: Pre-plan Engagements: Coordinate with your friend to establish activities and conversation topics that will foster a comfortable and ease-filled social environment.


7. Challenge anxious feelings. Are the thoughts true?

Again, feeling anxious or overwhelmed in social situations is a normal part of life and with the right tools, it can become manageable. 

Now, once you have identified that the thoughts are not true, it is important to replace them with an alternate thought that is more accurate and helpful. For example, if you find yourself feeling like everyone is judging you, replace this thought with something like “I am doing my best and that is enough”.

By replacing anxious thoughts with more positive ones, you will be able to better manage your social anxiety and feel more comfortable in social situations.

Action Step 1: Challenge Anxious Thoughts: Regularly evaluate the validity of anxiety-driven thoughts, identifying when they are overly critical or unfounded.

Action Step 2: Replace with Positive Affirmations: Consciously substitute identified negative thoughts with constructive and uplifting affirmations to manage anxiety effectively.

attitude tips for anxiety

FAQs People ask for Extroverts with Social Anxiety

Is it possible to be an extrovert with social anxiety?

Absolutely, yes! An extrovert with social anxiety experiences a compelling desire to engage with others and feels energized by social interactions, yet simultaneously grapples with fears of being judged or embarrassed in those very situations. It’s like craving to be in the spotlight while simultaneously fearing what might go wrong when all eyes are on them. Their love for social interaction collides with their anxiety, creating a unique, internal conflict between desire and fear.


Are extroverts more prone to anxiety?

Not necessarily. Anxiety doesn’t discriminate based on personality type and can affect anyone, regardless of whether they’re an extrovert, introvert, or ambivert. While extroverts might engage in more social situations that could potentially trigger social anxiety, it doesn’t inherently mean they are more prone to anxiety as a whole.

Various factors, including genetic, environmental, and personal experiences, contribute to the onset of anxiety disorders, making it a universal possibility, irrespective of one’s social preferences.

Introvert vs Extrovert with social anxiety

The battle with social anxiety can look quite different for introverts and extroverts. An introvert with social anxiety might avoid social interactions, feeling both drained by them and anxious about them, which might be aligned with their general preference for solitude. In contrast, an extrovert with social anxiety experiences a complex dilemma: their inherent drive pulls them towards social interactions, yet their anxiety pushes them away, creating a tension between their natural inclinations and fears.

Thus, while both introverts and extroverts can experience social anxiety, it may manifest and be experienced differently, tailored by their inherent social preferences and tendencies.


How can an extrovert with social anxiety navigate social situations?

Navigating social situations for an extrovert with social anxiety might involve a combination of psychological strategies and self-care. Employing coping mechanisms like deep breathing, mindfulness exercises, or having a safe person to turn to during overwhelming moments can be beneficial. Furthermore, gradual exposure to challenging social scenarios, starting from less intimidating contexts and progressively moving towards more complex interactions, can build resilience and confidence over time.

Can therapy help extroverts with social anxiety?

Yes, therapy can be a vital resource for extroverts dealing with social anxiety. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), in particular, can be instrumental in helping them manage their fears and anxieties in social contexts. Therapists can work with individuals to identify and challenge negative thought patterns, develop coping mechanisms, and gradually expose them to anxiety-provoking situations in a controlled and supportive manner, thereby fostering improved social interaction skills and reduced anxiety.

How do I support an extrovert with social anxiety?

Supporting an extrovert with social anxiety involves understanding, empathy, and encouragement. It’s essential to recognize their genuine need for social interactions and their simultaneous fear of them. Providing a safe, non-judgmental space where they can express themselves without fear of criticism, and gently encouraging them to explore their social boundaries without pressure, can be immensely supportive.

Celebrate their victories, be a compassionate listener during their struggles, and encourage them to seek professional help if their anxiety becomes overwhelming.

What are some common misconceptions about extroverts with social anxiety?

Common misconceptions might include the belief that extroverts cannot experience social anxiety due to their outgoing nature, or assuming that when extroverts engage in social interactions, they are always confident and at ease. Another misconception might be thinking that extroverts with social anxiety are just seeking attention or being overdramatic.

It’s crucial to understand that social anxiety can affect anyone, regardless of their personality type, and it’s a genuine struggle that deserves understanding and empathy, not judgment or minimization.

More Things to Know…For Social Anxiety

Signs You’re an Extrovert with Social Anxiety:

  • Social Cravings Yet Fears: You love social interactions but are often gripped by fear or anxiety about being negatively judged or messing up in these situations.
  • Conflict: You experience a persistent internal struggle between seeking interactions and wanting to avoid potential social mishaps.
  • Overthinking: Post-social event reflections might include excessive worrying about things said or how others perceived you.

Personality Type and Social Anxiety:

Social anxiety doesn’t favor any specific personality type. It can manifest in extroverts, introverts, and ambiverts alike. While it may seem more paradoxical in extroverts due to their outward social tendencies, it’s essential to acknowledge that anxiety isn’t limited to a particular personality and can affect anyone regardless of their social inclinations.

Characteristics of People with Social Anxiety:

  • Fear of Judgment: An overwhelming worry about being criticized or viewed negatively by peers.
  • Avoidance: Despite desiring connections, they may steer clear of social settings to escape the discomfort that accompanies anxiety.
  • Physical Symptoms: Manifestations like sweating, trembling, and a rapid heartbeat might occur in social situations.
  • Safety Behaviors: Engaging in actions meant to divert attention away from them, such as avoiding eye contact or speaking softly.

Understanding social anxiety within various personality contexts necessitates a compassionate lens, recognizing that the visible social demeanor might not always reflect the internal emotional turmoil experienced by individuals.

Acknowledging and supporting the coexistence of vibrant extroversion and shadowing social anxiety provides a foundation for empathetic interactions and support.

Remember to …

Give yourself positive reinforcement. Remind yourself you’re capable and strong. 

Create a safe space. Find a safe and comfortable environment where you can be yourself without feeling judged. 

Practice and prepare. Having an extrovert practice social situations in a safe environment can feel more comfortable in real-life social situations. 

Take breaks. Taking frequent breaks can help reduce anxiety and stress levels. Again, take breaks when needed and do activities that make them feel relaxed and happy. 

Get emotional support. Make sure you have emotional support and understanding from friends or a mental health provider. 

Steve Anthony

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